
77 pages 2 hours read

The Glass Castle

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2005

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Chapters 1-15Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1: “A Woman on the Street”-Part 2: “The Desert”

Chapter 1 Summary

On a cold March day in New York City, as a taxi drives her to a social gathering, Jeannette Walls spots her mother dressed in rags, rummaging through a dumpster. A few days later, Jeanette and Mom meet at a Chinese restaurant. When Jeannette asks what she can do to help, Mom tells her, “I’m fine. You’re the one who needs help. Your values are all confused” (6).

Chapter 2 Summary

The narrative flashes back to Jeannette’s childhood in 1963. Her earliest memory, at the age of three, is of leaning over the stove cooking hot dogs unsupervised. Jeannette lives in a trailer park in Southern Arizona with Mom, Dad, her older sister, Lori, and her younger brother, Brian. Jeannette’s dress catches fire. She suffers serious burns on her ribs, stomach, and chest.

After Jeannette receives skin grafts from her legs, the nurses and doctors tell her she is lucky to be alive. Jeannette loves the hospital because she never runs out of food there. A few days later, Dad absconds with Jeannette in the middle of the night, whiskey on his breath.

Chapter 3 Summary

Within days, Jeannette is back to cooking hot dogs for herself unsupervised. Mom commends her for getting “right back in the saddle” (15).

Chapter 4 Summary

A few months later, Dad rouses the whole family in the middle of the night to say they have 15 minutes to gather their belongings and abandon the trailer park. “Doing the skedaddle” (19), as Jeannette calls it, is a frequent occurrence for the transient Walls family, which never stays in one place for more than a few months.

Chapter 5 Summary

Dad’s insistence on relocating every few months is in large part a product of his paranoia over a series of adversaries, real and imagined. These include but are not limited to the Mafia, the FBI, Standard Oil, and the police, which he refers to as “the gestapo.” Although Dad has no college degree, he is a talented electrician and engineer who finds employment with various mining companies around the Southwest. Wherever he goes, he tends to make enemies one way or another, through unpaid gambling debts or by getting into drunken brawls.

Dad promises the family that their lifestyle of transient poverty will end as soon as he acquires the investment money to build his grand and ingenious invention: the Prospector. The Prospector will automatically sift gold nuggets out of the dirt using a complicated system of weights. Dad also has ambitious plans to build the Glass Castle, a solar-powered home in the desert made entirely of glass. Although everyone in the family agrees Dad is brilliant, they also recognize he has what Mom calls “a little bit of a drinking situation” (23).

Chapter 6 Summary

Here, Jeannette broadly traces the history of her immediate family. Dad hails from a small West Virginia coal-mining town called Welch. When Jeannette’s parents met, Dad was in the Air Force, and Mom was a beautiful USO model who came from a wealthy family in Texas. After numerous rejections, Mom finally wears down and agrees to marry Dad.

A few months later, Mom is pregnant with Lori. Three years later, Jeannette is born, and a year after that, Brian arrives. With so many children to support and so little money, Dad pawns Mom’s wedding ring without asking her, a ring Mom’s wealthy mother, Grandma Smith, purchased.

Chapter 7 Summary

About a year after the hot dog incident, when Jeannette is four and Lori is seven, the family drives to Las Vegas in the Green Caboose, a car Dad purchased to replace the Blue Goose after it died. With an intoxicated Dad behind the wheel, the Green Caboose violently rolls over a set of railroad tracks, causing the backseat door to open and Jeannette to fall out of the car. With her body covered in cuts embedded with gravel, Jeannette watches as the Green Caboose rolls around a bend, leaving her behind. After waiting for what feels like hours in the hot sun, the Green Caboose finally returns. Though initially enraged, Jeannette cannot help but laugh uproariously when Dad says, “Damn, honey. You busted your snot locker pretty good” (31).

Chapter 8 Summary

For about a month, the family lives in a dingy Las Vegas motel room while Dad works the blackjack tables at the casino. One day, Dad tells the family a blackjack dealer has figured out his system, and now they all must flee the city to escape the Mafia. They drive to San Francisco, where Dad hopes to find investors for the Prospector. The family settles in a flophouse in the Tenderloin district.

One night, after spending much of the day playing with matches in the bathroom, Jeannette wakes up to see the curtains of their room on fire. The family escapes, but the flophouse burns down. Dad vows to abandon the city without having obtained his startup cash and to resettle the family in the desert.

Chapter 9 Summary

Near the Eagle Mountains in California, Mom insists that they stop at an ancient Joshua tree so she can paint it. Jeannette finds its “permanent state of windblownness” ugly (35). Later, when Jeannette finds a Joshua tree sapling, she vows to protect it from the wind so it grows tall and straight, but Mom forbids her from doing so, telling her, “It’s the Joshua tree’s struggle that gives it its beauty” (38).

The family rents a tiny house in nearby Midland, a small mining community. Mom becomes pregnant again. She also redoubles her artistic efforts, spending all day painting, writing, and making sculptures out of the gypsum Dad brings home from his new mining job.

Chapter 10 Summary

After an argument with his foreman, Dad loses his job at the gypsum factory. With no money to buy Christmas presents, Dad asks the children to point to any star in the sky to receive as a gift. Jeannette picks Venus, and after some convincing, Dad agrees she can have a planet for Christmas. When the Sun cools and everyone is forced to leave Earth for Venus, he says, they will need Jeannette’s permission.

Chapter 11 Summary

In anticipation of Mom giving birth, the family relocates to Blythe, a significantly larger town 20 miles South with two movie theaters and two state prisons. Two months into their stay in Blythe, Mom gives birth to a baby girl, Maureen. Upon holding Maureen for the first time, Jeannette says, “I promised her I’d always take care of her” (46).

Chapter 12 Summary

A few months later, a police officer tries to pull over Dad over a broken taillight. Because he has no registration or insurance, Dad speeds off, eventually evading the cop. After this close call, he decides it’s time for the family to move on once again, this time to Battle Mountain, Nevada.

Chapter 13 Summary

On the outskirts of Battle Mountain, the family moves into an old wooden train depot that’s been converted into a domicile. It has a bathtub but no toilets. For furniture, the family uses old spools and crates they recover from junkyards. The children sleep in cardboard boxes. When a discussion is raised over whether to buy the children real beds, Mom decides instead that they should buy a piano. Dad purchases one from a closed down saloon, but they cannot get it inside the house. The piano will sit outside in the yard for the duration of the family’s stay in Battle Mountain.

Chapter 14 Summary

Dad finds work as an electrician at a barite mine. Although he visits the local bar, the Owl Club, with some regularity, Dad spends most nights at home with the kids. Each evening, the whole family sprawls out on the floor reading books, with a dictionary in the center of the room used to look up unfamiliar words.

Chapter 15 Summary

Mom and Dad enroll the three eldest children in school. They give their children very few rules except that they must be home by dark. On rare occasions when a rule is broken, Dad will beat Jeannette or the others with a belt, but never out of anger, Jeannette insists. She also spends hours wandering the desert collecting rocks, her favorite of which are rare geodes.

One day, Jeannette and Brian bring a series of toxic chemicals they recovered from the dump to an abandoned shed they name the laboratory. Jeannette lights the chemicals on fire, causing a plume of flames to set the shed ablaze. Jeannette escapes, but Brian is trapped. Dad manages to save Brian from the burning building just in time. As they watch the shed burn, Dad points out how the invisible heat at the tops of the flames distorts the image of the desert beyond, referring to it as “the boundary between turbulence and order” (61).

Chapters 1-15 Analysis

The central question at the heart of these chapters—and one that extends throughout the remainder of the book—is this: What causes two individuals, both of whom are presumably in possession of the intellectual means to thrive in society, to live on its margins and to subject their children to such a life? There are no easy answers to this question. If The Glass Castle was a work of fiction, a reader could more readily look for clues in the author’s storytelling and characterization choices. Perhaps the answer would be equally elusive, but at least then the reader could attribute this to intent on the part of the author. Because The Glass Castle is a nonfiction memoir, the reader must take the facts at face value to a certain extent. These things happened, and it is not necessarily Walls’s job—neither as a writer nor as a human being—to explain the reasons behind her parents’ actions. In fact, if the book is any indication, Walls is as conflicted and perplexed as the reader when it comes to diagnosing her parents’ motivations.

That said, there are a number of possibilities worth considering to explain Mom and Dad’s seemingly incomprehensible behavior. Perhaps the most obvious explanation is substance abuse, the consequences of which constitute one of the book’s major themes. Even at this early stage of the novel, when the narrator is too young to understand alcoholism at a clinical level, Jeannette knows that Dad has a drinking problem, one that Mom euphemistically calls “a drinking situation” (23). Most of the time—that is, when Dad drinks beer—life is “a little bit scary but still a lot of fun” (23). When Dad drinks liquor, Jeannette watches him become “an angry-eyed stranger who threw around furniture and threatened to beat up Mom or anyone else who got in his way” (23).

An addict like Dad whose life so persistently revolves around procuring and consuming his drug of choice will likely struggle to maintain steady employment and housing, but to attribute the chaos of the Walls clan to substance abuse alone is insufficient, particularly given the fact that Mom “didn’t drink anything stronger than tea” (29). Indeed, Mom’s motivations are much more difficult to reckon with, especially later on, when the full magnitude of the financial assets at her disposal comes to light. Mom’s own pithy explanation for her willingness to live in a state of transient squalor is that she’s “an excitement addict” (93). One can therefore see the contours of her codependent relationship with Dad take shape, as her antipathy toward boredom enables Dad’s irresponsible rabblerousing. However, “excitement addict” isn’t exactly a rigorous diagnosis, and it is therefore worth exploring the deeper psychological factors behind Mom’s behavior.

For example, both Mom and Dad are severe nonconformists with innate distrust of authority. Though Mom is less paranoid than Dad, this distrust likely makes it easier for Mom to entertain and tolerate his ramblings about the Mafia, the FBI, and the police offers supposedly out to get him. Her anti-authority bent extends to her approach toward childrearing. Walls writes, “Mom believed that children shouldn’t be burdened with a lot of rules and restrictions” (59). This statement could also be seen as a justification for Mom’s failure to nurture her children. That attitude is mostly strongly reflected symbolically when Jeannette finds a small Joshua tree sapling. She writes, “I wanted to dig it up and replant it near our house. I told Mom that I would protect it from the wind and water it every day so that it could grow nice and tall and straight” (38). To Mom, however, this idea is a betrayal of her values. She tells Jeannette, “You’d be destroying what makes it special. [...] It’s the Joshua tree’s struggle that gives it its beauty” (38). Mom fetishizes struggle, perhaps as a coping mechanism for her own difficult circumstances.

Another symbol introduced in these chapters is the Glass Castle—a symbol so important that Walls names her book after it. In describing it, Walls writes:

It would have a glass ceiling and thick glass walls and even a glass staircase. The Glass Castle would have solar cells on the top that would catch the sun’s rays and convert them into electricity for heating and cooling and running all the appliances. It would even have its own water-purification system (25).

At its most basic level, the Glass Castle represents the epitome of the lifestyle Dad would like to lead, one that is fully sustainable, self-sufficient, and beholden to no authority aside from nature itself. As the book goes on, it also comes to represent the increasingly illusory hope that Dad will fulfill his many broken promises. For example, Walls writes, “That was why we had to find gold. To get Mom a new wedding ring. That and so we could build the Glass Castle” (28). This subtle juxtaposition reveals the extent to which a perfectly achievable goal—like keeping a job long enough to save up for a new wedding ring—is, in Dad’s hands at least, as preposterous as building the Glass Castle. At the same time, the Glass Castle is such an exciting and magical prospect that it is serves as fodder for Jeannette’s persistent illusion of Dad as the greatest father on Earth.

On this note, it is important to consider Walls’s narration technique. At this stage of the book, Jeannette is still a child, and the narration reflects her youth. To her, there is nothing odd about a three-year-old cooking hot dogs unsupervised, or a family that moves over a dozen times in half that many years, or children using cardboard boxes as beds. As Jeannette grows older and begins to understand more clearly how other children live, she offers more of her own judgments of her parents’ behavior. At this point, the narration still depends on the wide chasm between Jeannette’s matter-of-fact observations and an adult reader’s understanding of neglect to illustrate the severity of the family’s circumstances.

This perception of neglect also plays into another theme: the extent to which neglect is abuse. To be sure, there is little malice on the part of either parent, at least at this point in the book. Both Mom and Dad seem convinced that their approach toward parenting is the best way to facilitate their children’s happiness and well-being. Particularly as the narrative progresses, however, it will become clear that their lifestyle is the result of selfishness, manifested by Dad’s alcoholism and Mom’s unwillingness to sacrifice her “career” as an artist.

These chapters also introduce Christmas as a recurring motif. At different intervals of the book, Christmas is a time when the Walls family dynamics are laid bare. During these early chapters, Jeannette still thinks of the Wallses’ impoverished and transient existence as an adventure and even a badge of honor. This sense is strongly reflected in the joy she feels when Dad, unable to afford presents because he lost his job, gives Jeannette the planet Venus for Christmas. She writes:

We laughed about all the kids who believed in the Santa myth and got nothing for Christmas but a bunch of cheap plastic toys. ‘Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten,’ Dad said, ‘you’ll still have your stars’ (41).

A final recurring motif introduced here is that of turbulence and order. Dad describes the tops of the flames that leap out of the shack Jeannette and Brian set aflame as the boundary between turbulence and order. He adds, “It’s a place where no rules apply, or at least they haven’t figured ’em out yet. You-all got a little too close to it today” (61). This is a fitting metaphor for the lives of the Walls family, and in particular Dad’s life. Dad is most comfortable with chaos, and so whenever the family improves its fortunes enough to come into proximity with stability—that is, to exist within that boundary between turbulence and order—Dad finds a way to sabotage himself and the rest of the Walls clan. It is clearly not a state Dad is comfortable with, both because of his inherently chaotic personality and perhaps also because he is deeply insecure about his ability to provide for his family. This insecurity may also be why all of Dad’s plans for lifting his family out of chaos involve gambits that range between unlikely and impossible, like finding gold and building the Glass Castle. It is easier for him to be driven by impossible hopes than it is to do the hard work of navigating one’s way out of turbulence and into order.

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