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In middle school, Taussig imagined her life as an adult, a fantasy that excluded her disability. She did so because she saw the world as two worlds: “the Real Citizens of Life,” the able people for whom the world was made, and people with disabilities, who were meant to “inspire” the “Real Citizens” since they themselves were unworthy of leadership and relationships (82). She frames these two groups of people as primary and secondary characters in a performance.
When Taussig and Micah moved in together, a neighbor assumed they were siblings because he couldn’t imagine a person with a disability in a relationship. When she attended a professional conference during graduate school, a stranger gave her money, telling her that he had been in a wheelchair and understood what it was like to need money. To her, he wanted to play the role of “Helper” to the “Begging Cripple.” These stories illustrate the roles projected onto people with disabilities, despite their own narratives about being strong, independent, or sexual.
Media representation increasingly includes people of different races, genders, sexualities, sizes, and other identities, and Taussig argues this shift brings up additional concerns. For example, Mindy Kaling’s film Late Night, which addresses inclusivity in late night writers’ rooms, leaves out characters with disabilities while including other identities. The movie includes a character with a disability (Parkinson’s disease), but they don’t play a role in the film’s goal to address diversity in the writers’ room. The filmmakers did not consider Disability as an Identity and how people with disabilities can offer a unique perspective. Some films do include characters with disabilities, either “triumphing over life’s adversities or pitiable, isolated victims who’d rather die than live in their impaired bodies” (91). While some films “normalize” the experiences of people with disabilities, they are rarer.
Taussig discusses films like Avatar—which supports ableism because protagonist Jake, who is paralyzed, is only happy in a world that returns his ability to walk—and Get Out—which addresses racism but still uses a stereotype of a blind villain who wants the ability to see again. Other films and shows with similar messaging about disability include Pokémon: Detective Pikachu, Glee, The Theory of Everything, and The Shape of Water. Taussig compares these representations to her fantasies as a 13-year-old, which weren’t about changing her paralysis but wanting the typical life of women without disabilities. Many think people with disabilities have only one desire—to have an able body—but in reality, people with disabilities have multiple wants like any other person. Taussig then discusses a 2016 Interview magazine cover featuring Kylie Jenner, who does not have a disability and is posed like a doll in a wheelchair, portraying disability as “passive.” By contrast, Taussig asserts that “wheelchairs are empowering, liberating tools for so many people” (95). She assumes those who created the cover were uninformed about disability, like much of the world. Those who don’t understand disability fail in their depictions of it because they don’t include people with disabilities in writing, directing, or acting (95).
Though Taussig felt she belonged as a child, she slowly learned the world was not made for people like her and that her life didn’t match stories about adults. Issues like intimacy, living in a home, and jobs for people with disabilities weren’t addressed in media representation, so she couldn’t imagine them. Stories about disabilities that do exist simplify these issues: They “reduce disability into something small…as if an experience as sweeping, rambling, layered, contradictory, ordinary, vibrant, and human as disability could be reduced to something so one-dimensional” (99). Incorrect, simplistic ideas impact the lives of those with disabilities through neglect, hate crimes, sexual assault, infantilization, violence, and other issues (100). Taussig argues that stories about marginalized groups serve political and societal ends, that they represent “something incompetent or unreliable, helpless or dangerous, not worth living or inherently wrong, sinful or contagious, impotent or taboo, perverted or sexless” (100). Yet she argues the world needs to move past inclusion to emphasize the experiences of people with disabilities because everyone has a body and the body is complicated.
Before he retired, Taussig’s father had a strong work ethic. She compares this to her own lack of desire to go to high school, feeling overwhelmed by classes and physical pain as well as anxious and depressed at the thought of living in a world that does not take people with disabilities into account. She felt like a “giant, incompetent failure” and couldn’t imagine working a schedule like her father (106). During high school, Taussig applied for a counselor job at a summer camp but was turned down due to her disability. She and her friend Bertie worked in the kitchen instead. They soon learned that the camp hired them to make Taussig “feel included” and hired Bertie to help her. Taussig felt she was making a difference at the camp but realized her work was unimportant.
Later, Taussig realized she had to buy her own health insurance and health care at 23. Before her 23rd birthday, she lost all sensation from the waist down. She went to the hospital, but the doctors offered no explanation, and sensation slowly returned to her body. Taussig uses this story to highlight problems with health insurance and costs in the US:
[T]he single most universal trait we all share is having a body, and all of us, no matter what, are susceptible to the frailties of that body. All bodies age, weaken under the power of germs, viruses, diseases, pain, and injury, require intervention and maintenance, rebel and go rogue. All of our bodies are at risk (115).
To this day, Taussig worries this loss of sensation will happen again and that she won’t be able to afford treatment. This incident occurred before Sam proposed, and she decided to marry him partially because he had health insurance, thus providing a sense of security. At the time, she was unaware this was one of the reasons she married him, but now she sees how her disability impacted her decision. Taussig reminds herself that she was young and without help at the time of her decision, a result of being excluded from a world made for able bodies. This experience differs from other marginalized groups: “When you’re born into a marginalized community whose members share your identity, you are born into a family that understands and knows. […] They carry the insider knowledge, and they can help prepare you” (118). To Taussig, people with disabilities don’t usually have a unified community.
After Taussig and Sam divorced, a friend with a disability told a surprised Taussig about Social Security and Medicaid benefits for people with disabilities. To qualify for these programs, people with disabilities have to be poor or find a job with accommodations and health benefits—so few people with disabilities work full-time. Taussig received subsidized housing and food stamps and began to teach while going to college, but then she started making too much money for benefits. She struggled to talk to the Social Security Administration about balancing work without losing benefits. When she finished graduate school, she looked for a job but realized she had to accommodate her body first, rather than her passion. Taussig took a job teaching high school English, which made her “feel valuable, worthwhile, respectable” (126). She argues this decision was influenced by ableism, which only values people who work and earn a lot.
Taussig didn’t want to draw attention to her disability while teaching but naturally dealt with physical pain and felt guilty about taking sick days. This secrecy reflects the impact of her father and societal ideas about work. This also showed her that the world was not made for people with disabilities. Taussig’s employer offered accommodations, but she herself didn’t find them “empowering,” as the world tends to value overworking. To her, other people might want accommodations, not just people with disabilities, because they might have needs like physical pain, mental health conditions, cognitive differences, different food schedules, and fatigue. She argues that bodies with disabilities illustrate human adaptability to impairment. Because the world could use more adaptability for the sake of sustainability, people with disabilities can offer a unique perspective.
Taussig ends the section by considering what her father missed out on because of his overworking. She asked him whether or not he worried about this issue, and to her surprise, he said he did. When he retired, he became freer, and she considers whether or not he might have felt this way if his work life had been more flexible.
Taussig hated attending birthday parties as a child. She felt like an outsider because she was unable to go swimming and took a long time in the bathroom: “I didn’t belong. This, I believed, was a fact…It never occurred to me that there could or should be a different way” (138). She still often feels like she does not belong.
As an adult, Taussig and Micah attended a party at a loft, where she overheard women talking about being catcalled. She felt excluded because she never experienced this, except when a man said she was “the hottest girl in a wheelchair [he’d] ever seen” (146). She considers whether or not she belongs to “women” as a group because she lacks shared struggles such as objectification. Taussig remembers how her parents worried about her sister wearing revealing clothes but not her. She remembers when a man inappropriately told her sister that she should model and she felt jealous. She also recalls girls mentioning boys wanting to kiss them and being told to smile by men, experiences she herself never had. Furthermore, Taussig feels excluded by mothers and hopeful mothers and wonders if it’s because she doesn’t want children or because she conditioned herself to feel this way because of lack of representation of pregnant people with disabilities.
Taussig does not focus on concerns like objectification because she worries about accessibility, which leaves her feeling outside of the world of women:
I can feel myself straining to fit into a constructed notion of what it actually means to be a woman—the verified version. Womanhood means enduring harassment, men staring at your boobs in doctors’ offices and bars, getting hit on by your male boss or the group of guys ordering drinks at your table, working twice as hard to get that promotion…getting married and/or having babies, or making the decision not to (150).
Taussig feels men instead fixate on her wheelchair, and her main concern is needing accommodations. She wonders which of her identities comes first: “Does my disability swallow my womanhood? When people look at me, is my disability so loud and alienating that my womanhood is unrecognizable? And, a much more pressing question, Why does it matter?” (150). She attended the Women’s March in 2017 and made a sign that said “Women’s Rights, Disability Rights, HUMAN RIGHTS” and felt ashamed because she was the only one there who mentioned disability. Taussig realized this shame comes from internalized ableism. She told two friends about her difficulty writing about disability, womanhood, and feminism, and they considered how feminism needs to be more inclusive. She once felt feminism encompassed too many identities to include disability but realized she was reverting to internalized ableism. Taussig’s friends pointed out she could bring her perspective to feminist conversation on others’ behalf.
Taussig discusses an essay by Christopher Bell, “Introducing White Disability Studies: A Modest Proposal,” which addresses the focus on white people in disability studies. She argues that everyone should be included in both disability studies and feminism. She then describes a panel discussion on women’s issues, where her experience was not represented: When the panel discussed work-life balance, they ignored bodily limitations. Taussig suggests that excluding women with disabilities from “what it means to be a woman limits all of us” because all women have “a body that strains under the forces of gravity and time, that wrinkles and breaks, swells and sags, accumulates pain and injury” (158). Historically, women’s bodily issues, like periods, were used to prove their inability to work or receive an education. Women thus needed to prove their independence, which Taussig says supports the patriarchal idea of the perfect body.
Taussig reflects on the relationship between independence and needing help. When she leans on her husband Micah, she views this dependence as “sturdy” rather than constraining or weak. To her, interdependence is perhaps more important than independence, and she considers how women with disabilities can illuminate this. As to be expected of intersectionality, issues such as violence against women, reproductive rights, and equal pay impact women with disabilities more than women without disabilities: Women with disabilities face more violence, forced sterilizations, and abortions and earn less than women without disabilities. Overall, Taussig argues feminism is shifting its focus from gender to power: “[It] asks who has power and who doesn’t, where does that power come from, how do we disrupt the great disparity between the powerful and powerless, and what are alternate ways to access power while caring for each other?” (165).
Taussig’s ongoing discussion of people with disabilities reflects their and other marginalized groups’ lack of representation in media. This reiterates society’s valuing of white, cisgender, heterosexual, male identities, along with able bodies. When society creates a norm, those who do not meet it struggle to belong—even if the established norm is due to unchangeable identifiers like race. While American society is beginning to understand the dangers of these norms, people have yet to acknowledge able bodies as a norm. Besides feeling excluded from society because of inaccessibility and negative attitudes, people with disabilities are doubly excluded because society does not see them as an identity. When various media do portray people with disabilities, they often focus on disability rather than other aspects of their lives. This dehumanizes the group and creates a false binary between people with disabilities and those with able bodies, again reinforcing a norm.
While trying to change her students’ learned understanding of disability, Taussig realized their lack of context regarding the topic. Due to lack of exposure in real life and media, they struggled to understand her perspective compared to those of other marginalized groups. However, this lack of exposure mirrors that of the LGBT community decades ago. With Taussig’s book and more media representation, people like her students may eventually understand the experiences of people with disabilities. Exposure has increased acceptance of other marginalized groups, but people still struggle to accept those with disabilities as a distinct group. This illustrates the difficult, slow process of inclusion. The Interview magazine cover of Kylie Jenner in a wheelchair is one example of how misunderstanding slows this process. Again, understanding one community does not necessarily translate to accepting others. If a community can’t be contextualized by a person’s own empathy or knowledge, such being the case with Taussig’s student Adam, this community will be harder to understand.
Taussig discusses disability in relation to work and health care to illustrate the idea that everyone has a body and limitations—thus, Disability Impacts Everyone. Disability is not a single category but a spectrum because everyone will experience bodily problems at some point in their lives. For example, the book’s ideas can relate to those unable to work full-time and those who have experienced long-term illness. These experiences exist on the spectrum of disability, whether short term or long term. Still, Taussig’s discussion of work emphasizes the choices that people with disabilities must make. People without disabilities do not have to choose benefits over full-time work or affordable housing over accessible housing. Taussig’s statement that the “standard (ableist) equation of worth” is “Hours + Production + Wages = Value” is to be expected of capitalism (126). As America values work and wealth, its systems actively exclude and devalue those who cannot work full-time due to disability. As a result of this inability, people with disabilities experience a higher rate of poverty than people without disabilities. Capitalism works with other systems of oppression like racism and patriarchy, which place higher value on certain people (white men) over others (women of color, etc.).
Taussig uses the terms “able” and “nondisabled” in relation to bodies, reinforcing how everyone has a body and that Disability Impacts Everyone. Through this lens, everyone should understand her ideas regarding bodily limitations and illness. Her focus on the body points to societal systems that oppress people because of their bodies. Much of discrimination relates to the body and its differences from norms or the societal desire to control these bodies through racism, sexism, and transphobia. Like bodies with disabilities, these bodies do not match the ideal body due to skin color or perceived gender. Speaking of gender, Taussig addresses norms in the context of womanhood. Patriarchy perpetuates the ideal body by valuing ability, beauty, thinness, and youth in women. Many women exist outside of this norm and feel excluded from the ideal. Taussig relates to this exclusion, showing how ableism impacts her and other women because the ideal body for women is unattainable. However, because she lacks negative experiences associated with womanhood, she feels excluded from womanhood itself. While she makes a valid point, her idea of womanhood excludes women such as transgender women. Taussig does address women outside of the ideal in Chapter 4—which details the exclusion of different body types from media—but Chapter 6 would be a key place to draw parallels between disability and gender identity. She briefly mentions transphobia in feminism but does not consider any direct parallels to disability.
In discussing her issues with womanhood and feminism, Taussig illustrates how identity is intersectional: For her to feel like other women, she assumes she must share negative experiences such as objectification. However, women with disabilities are often desexualized, even infantilized. Taussig points out the disproportionate nature of intersectionality and how one identity is often chosen or sacrificed for another. Although intersectional feminism purports to include disability, her own experiences counter this. By arguing feminism is shifting from discussion of gender to power, she gets to the crux of dismantling systems of oppression: They are about power and who holds power. Regarding disability, power lies with people without disabilities. Thus, the feminist shift in intersectionality considers forms of power based on gender and race, class, sexuality, and other identifiers.
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