Healer of the Water Monster
- Genre: Fiction; middle-grade fantasy/magical realism
- Originally Published: 2021
- Reading Level/Interest: Grades 4-7
- Structure/Length: Prologue, 33 numbered chapters, epilogue; approx. 368 pages; approx. 9 hours on audio
- Protagonist and Central Conflict: Nathan, a young Navajo boy, thinks summer at his grandmother Nali’s home on the reservation will be dull and unexciting, but when a water monster from the Navajo creation story asks for his help, he realizes summer will be anything but ordinary.
- Potential Sensitivity Issues: Substance abuse; suicidal ideation
CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Unit:
- Finding the Hero Within
- The Importance of Respecting Nature
- Family as a Source of Both Love and Pain
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Unit, students will:
- Develop an understanding of the cultural and historical context regarding the Navajo Nation that impacts Healer of the Water Monster’s characters and setting.
- Study paired texts and other brief resources to make connections via the text’s themes of Nature, Family, and Heroism.
- Plan and create an original song that identifies key moments in the plot based on novel details.
- Analyze and evaluate theme, motif, and other literary devices to draw conclusions in structured essay responses regarding Nathan’s mentors, the significance of water, and other topics.